About Us

Casanovas Woodfired Pizza is located on the Lower Kilmacud Road in Stillorgan. This delightful takeaway serves a wide range of red & white woodfired pizzas. We recommend you sample the delicious Casanova Pizza, which comes with Mozzarella, Rocket Leaves, Parmesan Shavings, Sun-dried Tomatos & Smo...

About Us

Casanovas Woodfired Pizza is located on the Lower Kilmacud Road in Stillorgan. This delightful takeaway serves a wide range of red & white woodfired pizzas. We recommend you sample the delicious Casanova Pizza, which comes with Mozzarella, Rocket Leaves, Parmesan Shavings, Sun-dried Tomatos & Smoked Parma Ham. Order directly online via JUST EAT , and check out the review to see who’s tastiest!


411 reviews

"Awesome as always!"



"Best pizza in South Dublin. Great work"



"Amazing service, fast delivery! Nice quality of pizza, I like it"



"Really good pizza! it was a little burnt but great quality would defenitly recommend 👌"



"the best pizza ever in Dublin, as always!"



"the staff was very kind, the taste was amazing, I would strongly recommend."



Find Us

Co Dublin

8 Lower Kilmacud Road, Co Dublin, STILLORGAN

Opening Hours

Monday 16:50 - 21:55
Tuesday 16:50 - 21:55
Wednesday 16:50 - 21:55
Thursday 16:50 - 21:55
Friday 16:50 - 21:55
Saturday 16:50 - 21:55
Sunday 16:50 - 21:55

Delivery times may vary

We deliver to:

Ballinteer, Ballinteerbroadford, Ballinteerludford, Ballinteermarley, Ballinteermeadowbroads, Ballinteermeadowmount, Ballinteerwoodpark, Ballsbridge, Belfield, Blackrock, Blackrockbooterstown, Blackrockcarysfort, Blackrockcentral, Blackrockglenomena, Blackrockmonkstown, Blackrocknewpark, Blackrockseapoint, Blackrockstradbrook, Blackrocktemplehill, Blackrockwilliamstown, Booterstown, Brennanstown Road, Cabinteely, Cabinteelygranitefield, Cabinteelykilbogget, Cabinteelyloughlinstown, Cabinteelypottery, Carrickmines, Cherrywood, Churchtown, Churchtowncastle, Churchtownlandscape, Churchtownnutgrove, Churchtownorwell, Churchtownwoodlawn, Clonskeagh, Clonskeaghbelfield, Clonskeaghfarranboley, Clonskeaghmilltown, Clonskeaghroebuck, Clonskeaghwindy Arbour, Cornelscourt, Dalkeyavondale, Dartry, Deansgrange, Donnybrook (Dublin), Dublin 2, Dun Laoghaire, Dun Laoghaire Sallynoggin, Dun Laoghaireglenageary, Dun Laoghairemonkstown Farm, Dun Laoghairemount Town, Dun Laoghairesalthill, Dun Laoghairewest Central, Dundrum, Dundrumbalally, Dundrumkilmacud, Dundrumsandyford, Dundrumsweetmount, Dundrumtaney, Edmondstown, Edmondstown (Dublin), Foxrock, Foxrockbeechpark, Foxrockcarrickmines, Foxrockdeansgrange, Foxrocktorquay, Galloping Green, Glencullen, Goatstown, Irish Town, Johnstown (Dublin), Kill Of The Grange, Kilmacud, Kilternan, Leopardstown, Loughlinstown, Milltown (Dublin), Monkstown, Mount Merrion, Nutgrove, Pembroke, Ranelagh, Rathfarnham, Rathgar (Dublin), Rathmines, Ringsend, Roseville, Sallynoggin, Sandyford, Sandymount, Stepaside, Stillorgan, Stillorgandeerpark, Stillorgankilmacud, Stillorganleopardstown, Stillorganmerville, Stillorganmount Merrion, Stillorganpriory, Tibradden, Ticknock, Windy Arbour